1: Worth and Dignity

Principles for Marching (2017-18)

I produced the Principles for Marching poster series for use in public marches, to center values that I seek to have out front, both in our public discussion and how we live with each other today.

Letterpress printing, including both the setting of individual wooden letters and the passing of each poster through the press multiple times, is a relatively slow process. While printing this series, I’ve relished spending time with and getting to know the Principles of my faith in a more personal and tactile way.

1: Worth and Dignity

1: Worth and Dignity

Before there was a ‘Principles for Marching’ series, there was this poster, which I produced for my use at the Women’s March, on 21 January 2017.

With the cruelty of the Presidential campaign rhetoric still ringing in my ears and heart, I was drawn to the words of the UU 1st principle and the ‘inherent worth and dignity of every person’.

7: Interdependent web of all existence

7: Interdependent web of all existence

This poster made its debut at the 2017 Climate March in Washington DC, as the interdependent nature of our ecological web becomes ever clearer with our changing climate.

2: Justice, Equity, and Compassion

2: Justice, Equity, and Compassion

Opportunities for reminding each other of these values come far too often—Pride marches, the March for Our Lives in Washington DC (and too many others since then).

5: Right of Conscience and Use of the Democratic Process

5: Right of Conscience and Use of the Democratic Process

… as voting rights continue to be under threat in the US.

8: Build Beloved Community

8: Build Beloved Community

Martin Luther King dreamt of and encouraged the building of a beloved community—decades after his death, we’re still trying to figure out what that means.

The core Unitarian-Universalist Principles do not have verbs attached. As these posters are intended as calls to action in the world informed by these principles, I started each one with an action.

What words would prompt you to put these principles into action?